

I'm writing my first post from Germany! It is absolutely wonderful here. The area around the Schloss Hansenberg (where I'm spending my first three weeks here) is downright scenic. As soon as I can get pictures up, I will.

There's lots to do here so I have to keep it short. The only curiosity that I have to report is that the z and the y on the keyboards are switched, which is verz annozing.

I'm writing from my 31st straight waking hour as a result of the curiosities of the time zones. I woke up at 9:30 AM EST on Saturday and have been up ever since. I think it's that it was so bright and beautiful when I got here that I didn't even notice that much. I also just got back from a couple hours of intense soccer with some of the other kids on the program.

Hopefully I'll make it to bed sometime soon. It's only 8:30 over here and it's still sunny and beautiful out.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

verz annozing.
