
At a Glance Comparisons: America and Germany

Hey everyone! I was just preparing something for the cultural studies class I teach and I thought it might be of interest. As always, please don't strain your eyes. Click anywhere on the picture for a bigger version.

Some of the most interesting numbers to note are the differences in size (America is 27.5 times as big as Germany) and population density (Germany is about 7.5 times as densely populated as America).

This map here compares GDPs of American states to GDPs of countries around the world. Instead of printing state names on the map, whoever made the map put names of countries with similar GDPs. Interesting for a little bit of perspective.


Anonymous said...

thats sick!

Solrun said...

Under languages spoken for Germany, why do you not include English? Germans definitely speak more languages than Americans.

Kevin said...

You're definitely right that Germans speak more lanuages than Americans.

The statistic there is for first languages. I should have probably also included Turkish, which is the mother language for 1-2% of Germans.

Unknown said...

puj, that map is the coolest damn thing on the whole internet.